
PROMYS Europe recruits undergraduate counsellors, including a Head Counsellor, from leading universities. Counsellors are employed by the University of Oxford and are provided with a stipend as well as accommodation and food throughout the programme. They are housed alongside the student participants at Wadham College (see accommodation). They must be aged at least 18 and have the right to work in the UK. Some counsellors are new to PROMYS Europe, others will have participated as students or counsellors at PROMYS Europe or at the parent programme in Boston.
Counsellors work as a team and are expected to be positive role models for the young people at PROMYS Europe. Each counsellor is assigned about four students. They mark their students’ solutions to the daily Number Theory problem set and are available to encourage, support and advise them through informal discussions as questions arise. They will also work with a small group of students on an exploration project and/or research project. Importantly, counsellors also attend to relaxation activities and will help to organise weekly non-mathematical activities and appropriate weekend leisure activities.
Counsellors also undertake their own individual programme of mathematical study during the programme and take part in regular counsellor seminars.