Pastoral Care and Safety

Each undergraduate counsellor supervises the work and looks out for the wellbeing of a small group of students. In addition, all the counsellors and the faculty oversee the mathematical and emotional comfort of all the students. There are two reasons why the counsellors are asked to supervise only four students: 1) So each student can be given extensive, thoughtful, and individual attention, and 2) So the counsellors have enough time and mental energy to devote to their own mathematical pursuits, thus enriching the mathematical community for themselves, for their fellow counsellors and for the students. It is this attention to the mathematical development of the counsellors as well as the mathematical development of the students which attracts so many of the most talented undergraduates to spend their summers at PROMYS. Students and counsellors develop strong bonds at PROMYS and often remain long-term friends and mentors.

Safety: PROMYS Europe is a small tightly-knit community. All adults at PROMYS Europe watch over the safety of the members of the community. It is of central importance that everyone in the PROMYS Europe community both be safe and feel safe. Students will be given contact numbers and informed of safety procedures. Visitors to Wadham College must present themselves at the Porter’s Lodge, and the gates to the college are locked at night.
Adult counsellors have rooms in college near their students, and all counsellors will, of course, have passed required background checks. The counsellors will have emergency contact information for the students. A PROMYS Europe administrator will be accessible by email and telephone. Wadham College has 24-hour emergency contacts, and one of the PROMYS Europe faculty is always on call. Both the programme and the college have emergency protocols in place.
Contact with Home: Parents can, of course, telephone, send letters to, or email their children at PROMYS Europe. Parents can also call the programme if they have questions or concerns. We realize that, for some of the students, this will be their first extended time away from home.
Wadham College: The Lodge is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Urgent enquiries may be addressed to the Lodge by dialing 01865 277900 from within the UK or +44 1865 277900 from outside the UK. The front entrance on Parks Road closes at midnight; however, the Night Porter may be summoned by ringing the bell at the main entrance.
Identity Badges will be provided by the programme and participants are requested to wear these identity badges at all times when in College. The College has a closed circuit TV security system in place. If they wish, PROMYS Europe participants may deposit valuables in the Lodge safe (which is insured up to £3,000).
First Aid and Emergency Services: Information on the location of First Aid kits and trained first aid staff can be obtained from the Lodge. The Lodge will contact the Emergency Services if required or participants may dial them directly from their rooms by dialing 999 and giving the name and address of the College: Wadham College, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PN.
Fire Safety: There are fire notices and smoke detection systems in all rooms. There is also a fire alarm system on each staircase which is relayed directly to the Lodge.